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Portal Cache

Caching improves response time and overall system performance by reducing the load on the information source…… now we know the importance…
The browser has a similar mechanism to that of the portal cache, whereby it can store content on the client side and display it as long as it is valid. This further improves response time by reducing the load on the portal, because the browser uses its stored content instead of requesting it from the portal.

Now I hate the chit chat about caching in browsers and in the Portal. I suggest reading more about it in or any other website about the general concept of caching would help!
In my BlogSpot I try to keep people interested by showing them actual screen prints of what needs to be done rather than rambling around! ….now follow the below steps if you need good caching in your Portal system. Remember these are well researched ideas and as usual I always welcome people to challenge me with the content and ideas on this blogspot....

Most companies have issues with these settings ………but believe me there is a LOGIC for the below settings !

The Cache level on all iViews is a good place for setting your cache level. Ask me why ??
This will reduce server and browser response time since the pre-rendered content reduces the network traffic and load on back end systems and this is usually a good thing for static content or things that change infrequently..

Now, I PLAGIARIZED the below info from some website…not sure where but reading it will really help !
Read on…..
Cache level
You determine the cache level according to the content of the iView, the speed of retrieval, and the configured time of loading.
The four cache levels are:
1. None (default)
IView content is never cached. Each time the iView is launched, it accesses the content source. This
Level is appropriate for iViews retrieving information that is constantly changing and being updated,
such as a news bulletin iView, or a ticker to a stock exchange.
2. Session
IView content is cached for the current session. Each new logon empties the cache and the iView must
access the source. An iView retrieving secured content would likely use this level.
3. User
iView content is cached per user. New users who launch the iView receive content from the data
source. An iView representing a user’s daily tasks is appropriate for this cache level.
4. Shared
iView content retrieved by first user is cached for all users. This level is suitable for iViews displaying
information relevant to all users, such as company announcements.
5. Roles
IView content is cached for all users with the same combination of roles (one instance per role
combination). This level is used specifically for caching the Top-Level Navigation iView.


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