Blog Archive
Ideas ! :
Check whether all the repository services and the functions they provide are required
for the different repositories. Deactivate unnecessary repository services to improve performance or activate certain repository services for enhanced functions.
Implementation: You can check which repository services are currently activated as follows:
1. In the portal, choose "System Administration System Configuration Knowledge Management Configuration Content Management Repository Managers". If the "Show Advanced Options" link is displayed, click it to fully expand the list of available repository types.
2. All the possible repository types are listed under "Topics". Choose "Repository Type". A table is displayed that lists all existing repositories of that repository type.
3. The "Services" column of the table shows the repository services that are activated for each repository listed.
Dear Rahul,
I am keep watching your blogs for a long time.Its a great help for me when I am in a trouble.I am requesting you to write blogs on the topics like Reverse Proxy,NWDI,Dveloping BI queries in VC,SPNego etc.......
Unknown said...
August 20, 2009 at 9:40 PM