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secrets of SE16N

Ways to control this situation and RISK factors

The &SAP_EDIT is controlled via auth object S_DEVELOP…..Look for DEBUG: Debugging (activity 01=system debugging, 02=replace in ABAP/4 programs, 03=debugging for ABAP/4 programs) and remove the values 01, 02 and 03 from this auth object. Read all about security restrictions here

Lets assume u have access to the command and can access SE16N, What could go wrong ?
Updating SAP tables directly has always proven expensive to any company especially with the amount of downtime as the tables are interrelated and unknown error messages will cause more confusion in resolving the problem. Data has to be updated either by a function module or by the transaction code. Deleting the rows and columns can cause more problems with the several programs that use the tables. ABAP programmers will love this command as they can always manipulate the tables to prove their results, but with a transport imported in QA and Prod several issues can bring system downtime. Data backup will not help in recovering the situation since the standard tables have been manipulated and you probably have to re-write the entire application from scratch…..



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